Archive for the ‘ RHUL Campus ’ Category



Living Next To An Airport

I meant to write about this the first day I got to London, but of course I do it only after I have already spent all my time there and come back to my room. I’m a stoopit.

Anyway. RHUL was only a couple of miles away from Heathrow International Airport, which meant that there were planes flying overhead all day long. It’s not a particularly obnoxious sound, but here’s the thing – all us Americans were around 9 or 10 when 9/11 happened back in 2001, and for the first month or two whenever we were outside and plane happened to fly by, we’d jump a little and hope everything was alright.

Our generation’s version of “Where were you when you heard JFK was shot?”


The Shower Story

So I’m not sure if I ever mentioned it on here (I must’ve, right?) but for the first month and a half I thought my shower was just cold.  I asked around and everyone just said it wasn’t the warmest of showers, but it wasn’t that bad, so I thought I just had a really low cold tolerance and sucked it up, taking two minute showers every day instead of standing under it for twenty minutes at a time.

I tried showering at 3AM, hoping that fewer people would be using it and that I would be able to get some warm water, but to no avail. I would shower a lot more when I was traveling, hoping to stock up on body warmth to take home with me.

In the middle of February, my overhead light broke and I went down to Housekeeping to schedule an appointment. While I was there, I thought I’d just mention that the water was freezing cold and was it supposed to be? Does RHUL just have really bad heating systems?

They said they’d look into it and send someone over, and two weeks later, they did.

He stepped into my shower, turned the water on, and went, “I think it’s pretty warm, don’t you?”

To my complete and utter disbelief, there was steam coming from my shower for the first time ever! And then, to my humiliation, he goes, “You know you have to press the button and then turn it, right?”








No, sir, I did not.

But thank you for telling me.


I had hot showers after that.

And everybody lived happily ever after.

Dorm Room Food

This is probably the last dorm room food post, huh.

Wow, I’ve been back a month and this is still depressing.

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